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CAPMT Honors Competition

Honors Competition is for highly motivated students and highlights repertoire from Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods competing with 2 pieces: one chosen from Baroque or Classical and another chosen from Romantic or Contemporary. This competition is open to piano, strings, winds, brass and voice from ages 9 and under to 26Online applications will be open December 2-16, 2024. The CAPMT State Finals will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at Santa Clara University.

CAPMT Honors Competition Guidelines:

  • TEACHERS: You may NOT register for your students due to liability reasons.

  • TEACHERS: CAPMT membership must be current before the application deadline. Non-CAPMT members are assessed an additional $40 non-member fee.

  • Failure to abide by the Guidelines will result in disqualification of the applicant.

  • Late applications and submissions will not be accepted.

  • Communication regarding any CAPMT Student Program must be between the teacher and the student program chair for that chapter/district. It is inappropriate for a student or parent to contact any CAPMT Board Member.

  • Decisions of the adjudicators are final.

  • The student must have studied with the teacher a minimum of six of the past nine months in all stages of the competitions.

  • A student may enter either (a) in the chapter/district where the student has permanent residence, or (b) in the chapter/district where instruction takes place.

  • For competitive programs, repertoire listed on the application form is to be used both at District and State Finals levels. No repertoire changes are permitted.

There are no refunds of application fees in the event of non-participation.

Repertoire Requirements:

  • Students will perform one original memorized work (No concerti or works for solo instrument and orchestra) from either Baroque or Classical Periods AND one original memorized work (No concerti or works for solo instrument and orchestra) from either the Romantic/Impressionist or Contemporary Periods in the allotted time.
  • A piece within a work is acceptable in representing a Period. Example: One (or a set) Chopin Prelude(s).
  • Teachers may accompany their students.
  • Judges may stop the performance of a piece or request the student to begin at another section of the program if the program exceeds the time limit. If the program exceeds the maximum time, the students will be stopped. This will not affect the outcome of the competition.
  • Students and accompanists must provide original score of music to the judges with measures numbered. Photocopied music will result in automatic disqualification. Accompanists may use a few photocopied pages along with the original score only to facilitate page turning.
  • Entrants will abide by all U.S. Copyright Laws and, when applicable, have permission to use all music given to judges and accompanists during all phases of the auditions/evaluations/competitions.
  • Entrants forfeit consideration for any placement (winner/alternate/honorable mention) but may play for comments only if: 1) All music listed on the application is NOT presented for examination at registration; 2) Entrant is not prepared to perform all music listed on the application.

Time Limits:

  • Category A: age 9 and under (10 minutes)

  • Category B: age 10 - 12 (10 minutes)

  • Category C: age 13 - 15 (12 minutes)

  • Category D: age 16 - 18 (15 minutes)

  • Category E: age 19 - 26 (15 minutes)

    The age determination date is December 31, 2024.

Application Fees:

$75.00 for all categories (plus any applicable District surcharges). Application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

$40 surcharge for students of Non-CAPMT members.

Application fees will only be accepted ONLINE via credit card payment. Registration will be open from December 2-16, 2024. No applications will be accepted past the deadline.

Online Registration: December 2-16, 2024

Click on the corresponding Region below to register.

Please contact Honors Chair, Rowena Asuncion, with any questions at

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you have registered for the CORRECT District.

 There are NO REFUNDS for any registration errors.  Check with your teacher if you are uncertain.

Please use your teacher's email address to register.

Please pay the $40 surcharge if your teacher CAPMT membership is NOT CURRENT at the time of registration; Memberships will be checked and the surcharge enforced.

Please contact your District Chair with any questions.

Accompanists are not provided.

Recording is not allowed.

District 1:   San Diego & Imperial Counties

Chairs: Rowena Asuncion

Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025

Steinway Gallery

9222 Miramar Rd.

San Diego, 92126

District Fee: $25

District 2: San Francisco Bay Area

Chairs: Dr. Kai-Li Cheng and Dr. Yu-Chi Tai

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Silicon Valley Piano - Yuma Performance Hall

1520 S De Anza Blvd.

San Jose, CA 95129

District Fee: $25

District 3:  Los Angeles County - Southern

Chair: Larissa Hatch

Sunday, January 26, 2025

CSU Long Beach

District Fee: $25

District 4:  Riverside & San Bernardino Counties

Chair: Caitlin Olivarria

Saturday, January 25, 2025

University of Redlands

District 5: Sacramento & San Joaquin Counties

Chair: Dr. Carol Chuang

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Pacific Institute of Music, Folsom

District 6: Central Coast

D6 Chair: Louise Frye

D9 Chair: Agatha Hou

Saturday, February 1, 2025 - late morning and afternoon

First United Methodist Church

500 E. Colorado Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91101

District 7: Redwood Empire

Chair: Dr. Sally Wei

Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 1:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

First Congregational Church

2000 Humboldt St.

Santa Rosa, CA 95404

District 8: Orange County

Chair: Dr. Andrea Garreffa

Sunday, February 23, 2025

1961 Irvine Blvd.

Tustin, CA 92780

District 9: Los Angeles County - Northern

Chair: Agatha Hou

Saturday, February 1, 2025 - late morning and afternoon

First United Methodist Church

500 E. Colorado Blvd.

Pasadena, CA 91101